Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Got called into work early. Working 6 extra hours today, and 6 more Thursday. Plus god only knows when she will want me in tomorrow, seems like my "schedule" was just a front. It's hard to plan out my day when I get texts randomly telling me to come into work at that moment.

pregnancy week by week

I figured adding a ticker might be kind of cool, just a general idea of how big the little booger is. She is getting big now which is cool, but it's also pretty damn uncomfortable, let me tell you! Trying to keep my mind focused on the good, but it's pretty hard when you can't breathe, you are getting fat, and your sweater puppets are leaking. Nursing pads have become my clothes best friends at this point, which I'm not too pumped about but I guess I'll learn to get over it. It could be worse I suppose.

It's absolutely freezing in here though, which I'm ot too impressed with because I didn't bring a damn sweatshirt, it's been so warm I guess I didn'teven consider it, of course now I'm regretting that. Knitting the kitten buddy still, it's coming along nicely, but I'm still not sure if it'll be cute or frightening. We'll see!

Ta-ta for now.